We, are reaching out to those of you who are students or who know students. We’d like to tell you about some awesome scholarships available for the next school year.
- The Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC) is introducing the 2021-2022 AEBC and T-Base Communications Scholarship Program. They are accepting applications for the 2021-2022 academic year. This year, they will be awarding two T-Base Communications Scholarships, two AEBC Scholarships and a British Columbia Scholarship, each with a value of $1,000. All applications and supporting materials must be received by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Friday, March 26th, 2021 to be considered. http://www.blindcanadians.ca/programs/scholarship.
- The National Educational Association for Disabled Students created the new Disability Awards website. This site helps post-secondary students search for hundreds of scholarships available across Canada specifically for students with disabilities. Check it out at: http://www.disabilityawards.ca/
- Spinal Cord Injury Canada lists their scholarships and others across the country. They can be found at: https://sci-can.ca/categories/scholarships
- CNIB's scholarship program awards multiple scholarships, bursaries and other awards to people who are blind or partially sighted in recognition of their educational aspirations and achievements. If you are pursuing a post-secondary diploma, degree, Master’s degree, skilled trades certificate or apprenticeship program, find out more information by visiting cnib.ca/scholarships.
Please pass this information along to those you feel would benefit.
Best of luck to all applicants. We’re rooting for you.
Nous nous adressons à ceux d'entre vous qui sont étudiants ou qui connaissent des étudiants. Nous aimerions vous parler de certaines bourses disponibles pour la prochaine année scolaire.
L' Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians (AEBC) lance le programme de bourses d'études 2021-2022 AEBC et T-Base Communications. Ils acceptent les candidatures pour l'année universitaire 2021-2022. Cette année, ils attribueront deux bourses d'études T-Base en communications, deux bourses AEBC et une bourse d'études de la Colombie-Britannique, chacune d'une valeur de 1 000 $. Toutes les demandes et tous les documents d'appui doivent être reçus avant 23 h 59. Heure avancée du Pacifique le vendredi 26 mars 2021 à prendre en considération. http://www.blindcanadians.ca/programs/scholarship.
L'Association nationale des étudiant(e)s handicapé(e)s au niveau postsecondaire site Web des bourses pour personnes handicapées. Ce site aide les étudiants de niveau postsecondaire à rechercher des centaines de bourses disponibles à travers le Canada spécialement pour les étudiants handicapés. Consultez-le à: http://www.disabilityawards.ca/fr/prixaccess/
Lésions Médullaires Canada énumère leurs bourses et d'autres à travers le pays. Ils peuvent être trouvés à: https://sci-can.ca/categories/scholarships
Veuillez transmettre ces informations à ceux qui, selon vous, en bénéficieraient.
Bonne chance à tous les candidats.
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