The Government of Canada will pass new laws that ensure full access and inclusion for Canadians with disabilities in every aspect of society. Canadian Access and Inclusion Project (CAIP), a partnership of 31 not-for-profit organizations, was formed to learn about barriers and solutions from people living with disabilities across Canada, and to present these solutions to Federal Government. We learned that people with disabilities believe new laws are important, and that it is equally important for people in society to embrace and welcome people with disabilities into their communities.
In November 2017, 31 CAIP Project Council member organizations along with politicians, private sector representatives and key decision makers gathered in Ottawa for a 3-day meeting to deliberate about the attitudes that the general public have toward people with disabilities and develop bold, innovative solutions that go beyond policy, legislation and regulations. Our goal is to cause a shift in Canada's culture whereby more people passionately value and actively include persons with a broad range of disabilities in communities across Canada. In advance of the Innovation Think Tank, there was a tremendous amount of work done to set the stage for success.
This report outlines the details of the process, presentations and findings.