Our Consultations

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We want to share your ideas about what should be included in new federal accessibility legislation and how it should be structured in a way that assures access and inclusion for all Canadians.

Listed below, there are several ways you can provide your input. Our partners are presently setting up consultation times and so we will continue to add to this page as more opportunities become available. This page will continue to change as opportunities become available across the country.

  • In-person Group Consultations 
  • In-person Teleconference Consultations 
  • Survey 

For now, please go to our Rant, Rave & Recommend page and let us know what you are thinking. Don't be shy! On this page, you can also provide us with your email so we can keep you up-to-date with what is happening with the Canadian Access & Inclusion Project.

Also, you can take our Online Survey to share your good ideas and insights on how to improve access and inclusivity for all Canadians. You can also take the survey in french/En Français

Thanks in advance for your participation!