Letter to Senators Regarding Bill C-22 - The Canada Disability Benefit

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A public letter to the Senate of Canada about Bill C-22 - the Canada Disability Benefit Act.
Lettre publique au Sénat du Canada concernant le projet de loi C-22 - la Prestation canadienne pour personnes handicapées.

Le 21 mars / March 21, 2023


Senate of Canada / Sénat du Canada

Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A4


Dear Senators / Chers sénateurs:

We are writing to you as a collective of stakeholder organizations and people with disabilities in support of Bill C-22, the Canada Disability Benefit Act. We thank you for your thoughtful debate and consideration of this vital legislation at this important stage in the process. We are asking you to work together to keep up the momentum on Bill C-22, making its passage a priority before the end of the current sitting period, without unnecessary delay or amendments.  

The organizations represented here are large and small, local, regional and national, and represent a broad spectrum of the diverse disability community in Canada. The organizations and individuals signing this letter are from all across Canada. We are united in our support for moving Bill C-22 forward quickly as framework legislation that will enable a robust and consultative regulatory development process.

As you know, the urgent income insecurity and affordability crisis facing millions of people with disabilities in Canada, exacerbated by the impact of high inflation on the price of basic goods, makes the passage of this legislation quickly through the process a critical and time-sensitive priority. On January 17, 2022, nearly half of all Senators signed an open letter to the Prime Minister and Cabinet to this effect, calling for the urgent adoption of Bill C-22. We are once again seeking the Senate’s recognition of this urgency.

On February 2, 2023, Bill C-22 was passed in the House of Commons with unanimous support. The House Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) received over 150 submissions and strengthened Bill C-22 in the spirit of “Nothing About Us, Without Us”. We ask you to keep this principle top of mind as you consider Bill C-22.  

We are comfortable and confident the amendments introduced in the House of Commons provide the necessary guardrails to ensure the Canada Disability Benefit will be co-created with members of the disability community in a timely fashion. These include:

  • The stipulation that the benefit amount must take into consideration the Official Poverty Line and establishing timelines for the development of regulations.
  • The requirement that the regulatory development and design process provide persons with disabilities from a range of backgrounds with meaningful and barrier-free opportunities to collaborate.
  • An established timetable to ensure regulations are developed within a reasonable timeframe following Royal Assent.

We believe these processes will be undertaken in good faith by government, stakeholders and people with disabilities. We are looking forward to seizing this historic opportunity for an accessible and inclusive regulations development process, giving people with disabilities the voice they need, want and deserve in the design and implementation of an income supplement to end disability poverty. We are prepared and ready to work with the government in this collaborative regulatory process.

We recognize that Senators must carefully and thoughtfully consider each piece of legislation. Given our desire to see the legislation passed in the Senate and referred to Governor General Simon for Royal Assent before the end of the sitting period, time is of the essence. Our community simply cannot wait as another legislative session passes by.

We would appreciate receiving a reply before March 31, 2023. Our collective would be pleased to speak with Senators at their convenience to discuss the urgency to pass C-22.            

En français

Nous vous écrivons en tant que regroupement d’organisations formées d’intervenants et de personnes en situation de handicap pour appuyer le projet de loi C-22, la Prestation canadienne pour personnes handicapées. Nous vous remercions pour votre débat réfléchi et votre considération de cette loi essentielle à cette importante étape du processus. Nous vous demandons de travailler ensemble pour maintenir l’élan en matière du projet de loi C-22, en faisant en sorte que son adoption soit une priorité avant la fin de la session actuelle, sans délais ou amendements inutiles.

Les organisations représentées dans la présente sont grandes et petites, locales, régionales et nationales, et elles représentent une vaste partie de la communauté diversifiée de personnes en situation de handicap au Canada. Nous appuyons tous de rapidement faire adopter le projet de loi C-22 en tant que cadre législatif qui permettra un processus robuste et consultatif d’élaboration de règlementation.

Comme vous le savez, la crise urgente d’insécurité financière et d’accessibilité financière à laquelle font face des millions de personnes au Canada qui sont en situation de handicap, aggravée par l’impact de la forte inflation sur le coût des biens de base, fait en sorte que l’adoption rapide de cette législation en se conformant au processus soit une importante priorité sensible au temps. Le 17 janvier 2022, presque la moitié de tous les sénateurs ont signé une lettre ouverte au premier ministre et au Cabinet à cet effet, demandant l’urgente adoption du projet de loi C-22. Encore une fois, nous demandons le Sénat de reconnaître cette urgence.

Le 2 février 2023, le projet de loi C-22 a été adopté dans la Chambre des communes avec un soutien unanime. Le Comité permanent des ressources humaines, du développement des compétences, du développement social et de la condition des personnes handicapées (HUMA) a reçu plus de 150 mémoires et il a renforcé le projet de loi C-22 dans l’esprit de « Rien sur nous sans nous ». Nous vous demandons de garder ce principe à l’esprit alors que vous considérez le projet de loi C-22.

Nous sommes confortables et confiants que les amendements introduits dans la Chambre des communes fournissent les mesures de protection nécessaires pour assurer que la Prestation canadienne pour personnes handicapées sera cocréée avec des membres de la communauté de personnes en situation de handicap dans un délai raisonnable. Ils incluent :

  • La stipulation que le montant de la prestation doit tenir compte du Seuil officiel de la pauvreté et l’établissement d’échéances pour le développement de règlements.
  • L’exigence que le processus réglementaire de développement et de design fournisse aux personnes en situation de handicap de diverses origines des occasions enrichissantes et sans obstacle de collaborer.
  • Un calendrier établi pour assurer que les règlements sont développés dans un délai raisonnable après avoir reçu la sanction royale.

Nous croyons que ces processus seront entamés de bonne foi par le gouvernement, les intervenants et les personnes en situation de handicap. Nous avons hâte de tirer profit de cette occasion historique pour un processus accessible et inclusif d’élaboration de règlementation, donnant aux personnes en situation de handicap la voix dont elles ont besoin, qu’elles veulent et qu’elles méritent pour le design et la mise en œuvre d’un supplément de revenu pour éliminer la pauvreté chez les personnes en situation de handicap. Nous sommes préparés et prêts à travailler avec le gouvernement dans ce processus réglementaire collaboratif.

Nous reconnaissons que les sénateurs doivent considérer soigneusement et attentivement chaque projet de loi. Étant donné notre désir que la législation soit adoptée dans le Sénat et renvoyée à la gouverneure générale Mary Simon pour qu’elle procède à la sanction royale avant la fin de la session, le temps presse. Notre communauté ne peut tout simplement pas attendre alors qu’une autre session législative passe.

Nous aimerions recevoir une réponse avant le 31 mars 2023. Notre regroupement serait heureux de parler avec les sénateurs, à leur gré, pour discuter de l’urgence d’adopter le projet de loi C-22.




50by30WR, Barbara Schumacher Research Lead
Accessibrand, Jolene MacDonald Founder
Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability, Jane Arkell Executive Director
Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability, Douglas Nutting Chair
Adele Furrie Consulting Inc., Adele Furrie President and CEO
Agence Ometz, Susan Karpman Chief Program Officer
AHMI, Association pour personnes handicapees de Murdochville, Linda Levasseur Secretaire-tresoriere
Alberta Ability Network, Meri Topchieva
ALink Foundation, Rissa Mechaly Retired Teacher
Alink Foundation, Harriet Sugar Miller President
Anand Vihar - The Centre for Dignified Living , Surjit Sachdev, M.Eng., P.Eng. President
Anarres Natural Health Apothecary, Tracey Thomas-Falconar Certified Natural Health Practitioner
APED (Association de parents de l'enfance en difficulté), Marilou Fuller Directrice générale
Arc, Rhonda Lee Simnovec
Arthritis Support Group, Eileen Schuh
Aspire Richmond, Shannon Crofton CEO
Association de l'Ouïe de l'Outaouais, Carole Normand Directrice
Association des parents des enfants handicapés Richelieu-Val-Maska, Renée-Claude Paré Directrice
Association des personnes aphasiques Richelieu-Yamaska, Nancy Whitney Directrice générale
Association des personnes handicapées de la Vallée du Richelieu, Diane Malo Directrice générale
Association des personnes handicapées de Lotbinière, Michel Lemay Directeur général
Association des personnes handicapées des Iles, Carole Poirier Directrice
Association des personnes handiquapé visuelle de l'Outaouais, Mario Lajeunesse Président du CA
Association des TCC et AVC de la GIM, France LeBlanc Directrice
Association la Croisée, Nicole Vallée Directrice générale
Association locale des personnes handicapées de Chambly et la région-ALPHA, Josée Monast Directrice générale
Association québécoise de la dysphasie, Région Montérégie, Maryse Boudreau Directrice
Autism Canada, Tyler Cox Strategic Alignment Manager
BAIL-Mauricie, Hubert Julie Directrice
Barrier Free Saskatchewan, Len Boser
Barrier-Free Manitoba, Leanne Fenez Steering Committee Member
Battlefords Lloydminster Liberal Association, Barbara Ashton Secretary
BC Complex Kids Society, Brenda Lenahan Founder & Co Director
BC Disability, Spencer van Vloten Editor
BC General Employees' Union, Joanna Lord Component 7 Vice President on behalf of the BCGEU
BCEdAccess Society, Tracy Humphreys Executive Director
Brain Injury Association Sudbury & District, Dan Ross President/director of BIASD
Brain Injury Canada, Michelle McDonald Executive Director
Brain Injury Society of Toronto, Bob Murphy Advovacy & Advisory Committee
British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), Neil Belanger Executive Director
Building and Construction Trades Council, Richard Hayter Director, Community Relations
BullyingCanada, Rob Benn-Frenette, O.N.B Executive Director / Co-Founder
Burnaby Association of Community Inclusion, Richard Faucher CEO
CAMH, Lucy Drumonde Educator
Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance, Therese Lane
Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance, Laurie Proulx Managing Director
Canadian Center for Women's Empowerment, Lisa Beere HR Director
Canadian Centre for Women’s Empowerment , Niha Shahzad Research Director
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work, Maureen Haan President and CEO
Canadian Down Syndrome Society, Laura LaChance Executive Director
Canadian Hard of Hearing Gander Branch, Dan Mahoney Chair
Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders, Catherine Boivin Board Member
Canadian Union Postal Workers, Adrian Chow Shop Steward
Candadian Hard of Hearing Association , Richard Plummer National Executive Director
CAPVISH (Comité d'action des personnes vivant des situations de handicap), Dominique Salgado Directeur général
Catherine's Future Advisory Group Society, Maria Lavotha
Centre pour femmes Impact, Suzanne Myrand Directrice-générale
Cerebral Palsy Alberta-Alberta Ability Network, Mezaun Lakha-Evin Director of Government Relations and Advocacy
Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la citoyenneté culturelle des personnes sourdes et les pratiques d'équité culturelle, Véronique Leduc Titulaire
CHHA - Calgary Branch, Evan Hamilton Advocate
Children's Link, Katie Dodd Director of Partnerships and Relationshop
Christ Church Cathedral Vancouver, Christopher Pappas Dean of New Westminster
Cinnamon Counselling, Aleesa Sutton Registered Clinical Counsellor
CLH Developmental Support Services, Dean Johnson Chief Executive Officer
Clover Clothing , Hal Bennett Owner
CNIB, Lui Greco Manager Regulatory Affairs
CNIB Foundation, Thomas Simpson Executive Director, Public Affairs
Cochrane Temiskaming Resource Centre, Joel McCartney Executive Director
Community Living Essex County, KAREN BOLGER Executive Director
Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln, Cathy Turner Executive Director
Community Living Manitoba, Amy Shawcross Development and Outreach Coordinator
Community Living Mattawa/Intégration Communautaire de Mattawa, David Spencer Executive Director
Community Living Ontario, Chris Beesley CEO
Community Living Oshawa Clarington, Marisa Hall Director, Engagement
Community Living South Muskoka, Bruce Hemphill Treasurer of the Board
Community Living Welland Pelham, Marion Trent-Kratz Board of Directors
Community Living Welland Pelham, Jessie Philbert Resource Consultant
Community Living Welland Pelham, Barbara Vyrostko Executive Director
Community Living Welland Pelham Ontario, Diane O’Donnell Board Member
Community Living-Stormont County, Michelle Alguire Executive Director
Connect 4 Life, Rebecca Milloy Board Member
Connect 4 Life , Mark Brown Chairman
Connect 4 Life, Melanie Taddeo Executive Director
Connecting Women with Scarborough Services, Candace Gomes Intake and Outreach Worker
Conseil des aveugles de Saint-Hyacinthe inc., Suzanne Poitras Présidente
Contact Hamilton for Children's and Developmental Services, Lea Pollard Executive Director
Council of Canadians with Disabilities, Ian Young Volunteer Secretary
Cowichan Valley Independent Living Resource Centre Society, Jean Scholefield Exceutive Director
Cribwolf Foundation, Lino Fera Co-founder/Director
CUPE Local 204, Daniel Richards 2nd Vice-President
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Indigenous, Black and People of Color Committee under Greater Vancouver Assossication of Deaf, BC, Vinu Chetipurackal Co-Chairman
Deaf Wireless Canada Consultative Committee, Paula Wesley Junior Consultant
Delta Housing Be Mine Society , Shirley-Ann Reid President
Devonport Designs, Heather Haliburton-Smith Parent of a Severely Disabled Adult Son Living at Home
Disability Studies University of Manitoba, Nancy Hansen Professor Director Disability Studies
Disability Without Poverty, Michelle Hewitt Chair
Disability Without Poverty, Gail Clark Member
DLR Consulting, Debra Russell Director
Douglas College, Adrian Desmarais ASL Instructor
Down Syndrome Resource Foundation, Glen Hoos Director of Communications
Easter Seals Alberta, Katherine Such Chief Executive Officer
Easter Seals BC & Yukon, Lisa Beck President & CEO
Easter Seals Canada, Dave Starrett President & CEO
Easter Seals NL, Mark Bradbury CEO
Easter Seals Nova Scotia, Joanne Bernard CEO
Easter Seals Ontario, Kevin Collins President & CEO
Easter Seals PEI, Kelly Mullaly Executive Director
Easterseals NB , Julia Latham Executive Director
Edmonton Epilepsy Association, Valeria Palladino Executive Director
EmployAbilities, Anna Hernandez Job Club Facilitator
Eviance (Canadian Centre on Disability Studies Incorporated, operating as), Susan Hardie Executive Director
Family Service Kent, Michelle Babcock APSW
Federated Women's Institutes of Canada, Margaret Byl President
Fédération des Mouvements Personne d'Abord du Québec, Louise Bourgeois présidente
Fédération des OSBL d'habitation de l'Outaouais, Armelle Tohouegnon Directrice générale
Fibromyalgia Association Canada, Trudy Flynn Chair
Fibromyalgia Association Canada (FAC / Association de la Fibromyalgie du Canada (AFC), Mario Domingue Vice-Chair
Firestone Restoration, Noah Firestone
Friends of Manuel Society, Louise Verrall Director
Golf For The Physically Challenged, Danny Foran Board Member
Golf for the Physically Challenged, Richard Malinski Chairman
Groupement des associations de personnes handicapées de la Rive-Sud de Montréal (GAPHRSM), Carole Labonté Directrice générale
Groupement des organismes de personnes handicapées du SLSJ, Myriam Lessard Directrice générale
Guide Dog Users of Canada, Dar Wournell President
Heal With Horses Therapeutic Centre, Suzanne Latchford Executive Director
Healthcare Access and Developmental Disabilities Program , Yona Lunsky Director
Heart Sisters, Carolyn Thomas Founder
Heartz and Mindz Consulting Inc. , Deidre Jones Founder
Helping Hand Street Mission , Alice Plug Executive Director
Here and Now, Jung Sik Lee Treasurer
Hopewell Children's Homes Inc, Maria Zegarac Executive Director
i2i Peer Support , Kenn Quayle Co-coordinator
Inclusion Alberta, Trish Bowman CEO
Inclusion Canada, Krista Carr Executive Vice President
Inclusion Press, Jack Pearpoint President
Inclusivi.T, Taler Warner Owner/Spelling to Communicate Practitioner
Intersex London Grassroots Organization, Piper Kearney Founder
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, Monica Kocsmaros Chief External Relations Officer
L'Arche Canada, Louis Pilotte National Executive Director
L'Etoile de Pacho - Réseau d'entraide pour parents d'enfants handicapés, Nathalie Richard Fondatrice & directrice générale
Lambton County Developmental Services, Nick Salaris Executive Director
Land O'Lakes Community Services, Susan Andrew-Allen Director of Programs
Le Réseau québécois pour l'inclusion sociale des personnes sourdes et malentendantes (ReQIS) , Patrick Beauchamp Président au conseil d'administration
Learning Disabilities Association of Windsor-Essex County, Mary-Ann Fuduric Executive Director
Liberty Co, Wanda Deschamps Founder
L’Arche Comox Valley , Hollee Card Community Leader/Executive Director
Maison des sourds , Jonathan Rozon Vice-président du conseil d'administration
Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf, Alice Crawford Project Director
Manitoba Deaf Association , Gunars Butkans Retired
March of Dimes Canada, Len Baker President and CEO
Mariannes Citizenship Society, Annette Pope Chairman
McGill University, Richard Riopelle Professor Emeritus, Fellow Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Member Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilitiy Act
Meta Centre, Antonet Orlando Executive Director
Millions Missing Canada, Barbara Fifield Co-Founder
Millions Missing Canada, Scott Simpson Co-Founder
Montreal Jewish Genetic Disease Fund, Julie Kristof
National Mental Health Inclusion Network / Réseau national d’inclusion en santé mental, Ellen Cohen National Director
NB Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, Shelley Petit Chair
New Brunswick Coalition of Persons with Disabilities, Murielle Pitre Communications Rep
Nolan's Society for Creating Choices, Bonnie Fallowfield President
Nova Scotia Action Coalition for Community Wellbeing, Sandra Hennigar Board Member
NS - CAN ( Nova Scotia Community Advocates Network ), Amy Moonshadow Chairperson
Oakville Strokers, Danny Foran Board Member
OASIS, Norma Lamont Secretary
ODSP, Morgan Dwyan Case Worker
Okanagan Valley Association of the Deaf, Heather Schneider
Old Age Pensioners Organization ( BC-OAPO ), Jerry Gosling Chair – Transportation Committee
Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups, Janet Paterson President
Opera Mariposa, Stephanie Ko General Manager
Operation Springboard, Lidia Monaco CEO
Ottawa Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, David Ferguson Executive Director
Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Jocelyne Parent Lewis Director of Community Resources
Parents for Community Living, Katherine Loveys Chief Executive Officer
Participation House, Susan Richardson Managing Director
Participation House Durham, Sinai Health System, Caroline Kassee Epidemiologist
Participation House Project (Durham Region), Kyle Abrey Director
Partners for Planning, Jill Teeple Executive Director
Patient and Community Advisory Committee, CADTH, Paula Orecklin Patient Partner and Advisor
People Minded Business, Janeen Halliwell President
Personne Sourde , Julie Elaine Roy
Plan Institute for Citizenship and Disability, Franceska Grantzidis Interim Executive Director
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network, Rebecca Pauls Executive Director
Polio Quebec, Mona Arsenault Presidentt
Poverty Free Halton, Maureen Weinberger Chair
Prince Albert Pride, Chelsea Bleau Co Chair
Queen of Nature Society, Dallas Hinton President
Radical Access Mapping Project, Romham Gallacher
RAPHGÎ, Ghislain Gagnon Directeur général
Reena, Bryan Keshen CEO
ReQIS, Patrick Beauchamp Président
Resource Movement, Jonathan McPhedran Waitzer National Organizer
Rick Hansen Foundation, Doramy Ehling CEO
SARC , Amy McNeil Executive Director
SEED Winnipeg Inc., Louise Simbandumwe Co-Director
Self Advocacy Federation, Keri McEachern Director
SMILE Canada, Khadija Zafar Education & Outreach Coordinator
Société Luçoise des personnes handicapées actives, Paul St-Laurent Président
South Fraser Active Living, Aaron Gelowitz Board member
South Fraser Active Living Group, Kim Egger Peer Mentor
Specialty Life Insurance Inc., Scott Feldman Senior Licensed Life Insurance Advisor
SPECTRUM Waterloo Region's Rainbow Community Space, Scott Williams Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury Association Alberta, Janice Brownlee Acting CEO/CFO
Spinal Cord Injury BC, Chris McBride Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury Canada, Bill Adair Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury Manitoba, Dan Joanisse Interim Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury PEI, Glen Flood Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury Saskatchewan, Launel Scott Executive Director
Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Centre (Northern Alberta) Society, Louise Miller President
Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Centre (Northern Alberta) Society, John Miller Board Member
St James United Church Social Justice Committee, Barbara DeMarsh Member
St James United Church, Antigonish NS, Michèle Ashby Social Justice Committee Coordinator
StopGap Ottawa, Kenzie McCurdy Coordinator
Sunrise Development Support Services, Amber McKinley Program Manager
Sunrise Developmental Social Services, Victor Vella Vice-President
Sunrise Youth Group for Developmentally Handicapped (Oshawa), Mark Belliveau President
Surrey Place, Alvin Loh Developmental Paediatrician, Chief of Medical Staff
The Aphasia Institute, Natalie Gierman Director, Clinical Services and Education
The Dunrobin Group, John Cooper President
The Equality Project Society, Katherine Turmel Secretary and Board Director
The Invisible Practice, Connor Yuzwenko-Martin Deaf Theatre Creator
The Oakville Strokers, Diana Berriman Program Director
The Participation House Project (Durham Region), Michelle Brooks Executive Director
The Provincial Network on Developmental Services, Michelle Brooks Chair
The Steadward Centre, Sierra Roth Youth Engagement
Thrive Counselling, Terri-Lynn Langdon Social Worker
Thunder Bay & District Injured Worker Support Group , Eugene Lefrancois President
Travel with Ange, Ange Faminoff Travel Advisor
University of Alberta, Danielle Peers Canada Research Chair in Disability and Movement Cultures
University of Ottawa, Ilona Skerjanc Disabled Professor
University of Saskatchewan Students' Union Pride Centre, Kseniah Pidskalny Pride Centre Coordinator
Vela Canada, Yvonne Van Oort Facilitator
Victoria Disability Resource Centre, Wendy Cox Executive Director
Voices 4 Ability Radio, Sean Pickard Station Manager
Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility, Christopher Sutton Chief Executive Officer
Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility, Barbara M Brown Past President, Board of Directors
Willowbridge Community Services Inc., Leslie Josling Executive Director
Women's Shelters Canada / Hébergement femmes Canada, Lise Martin Executive Director
Traore Abdoulaye sans emploi
Valerie Adam
Susan Adams
Jeannie Aderichin
Daryl Afelskie
Sanjeev Agnihotri Ex Financial Advisor
Indu Agnihotri House Wife
Mangat Agnihotri Retired
Mohammed Al-Anbaki
Rita Albano
Shaffie Ali ASL Instructor
Sylvie Allain Retraite
Ryan Allsbrook
Suzanne Altman
Sylvie Amar Family Office Market Leader
Sass (Cathy) Anderson Retired Individual, Marriage and Family Counsellor
Susan Anderson
Rick Andriashek Retired
Debra Appleby Mother
Murielle Araye coordonnatrice
Giovanna Arcella
Lynn Archdekin
Vincenzo Arcobelli Retired
Christian Arellanos
Vivian Armstrong Home Maker
Laurie Armstrong Coach, Special Olympics
Paul Arnold Computer Programmer
Joseph Arruda
James Arsenault
Hellen Asproloupos DEI Advocate; Power of Attorney & Caregiver to two persons with disabilities
Dorea Atif Mother
Manon Aubry
Carrie Auby
Jerry Aumont Operator
Sara AvMaat Retired Physiotherapist
Michelle Ayers
Maria Baca Part-time salad clerk
Rosanna Baglione Unemployment
Darren Bailey
Amira Bains Manager
John Baird Retired
Amanda Baker
Megan Ball Rigden Advocate
Marie Ballantyne
Darrin Ballard
Michael Bancroft Property Agent
Nancy Barberie
Ashley Baresinkoff
Izmet Barranco WebMaster
Carol Bartley
Humaira Batool Support Worker
Susan Beatty
Lissa Beaulieu Injured Worker
Lisa Beere
Christine Beland
Carol Anne Bell-Smith
Carla Dee Bellanger
Lisa Bendall
Cindy Berens
Nicole Berg
Sara Berg-Johnson
Caroline Bergbusch Administrative Assistant
Paul Berger Associate Professor
Lori Berketa Medically Retired
Clovis Bernard
Michael Bernier
Sherry Bertin-MacIsaac On CPP Disability
Michael Berube Tradesman
Tiffany Beverly Supervisor of Adult Services
Marie Bialkoski
Donald Bidd
Rhodley Bien-Aimé Représente service clientèle
Sarah Blabey
George Black
Renee Blake
Natasha Blatchford
Deb Boekestein
Amanda Boggan
Janie Bolduc
Judy Bonsignore Supervisor Children's Services
Wendy Booth
Delynne Bortis
France Boulanger invalidite
Shane Bouzanne
Carice Bowers
Ellen Boychyn Parent, Retired Physio Worked with People with Developmental Disabilities 35 Years
Erin Boyle Disabled Canadian Citizen
Amanda Brar Community Support Worker
Robert Bremner
Nancy Brennan Volunteer Disabled CAF veteran
Helene Brisebois
Jason Brittain
Sandra Brown Owner
Sharon Brown
Lindsey Bruce Parent
Catherine Brunet
Laura Brydges
Katie Buckley
Suzanne Budzich Disabled
Zbigniew Buler Retired
Barbara Burdick Deaf Educational Interpreter
Jennifer Burgmann
Jennifer Burke Student
Helene Burkholder
Melody Burns
Lorraine Busby Secretary, Basic Income Ottawa
Christa Buss
Marcella Byrne Disabled Unemployed
Elizabeth Cahill Retired / Parent
Sharon Cameron
Michael Campbell Retired
Berh Campbell Duke
Carolyn Canfield Citizen-Patient
Gida Carbone Disabled
Brandon Cardinal
Janelle Cardinal
Karina Cardona Claros
Nicole Carlson
Brenda Carmichael Registered Sign Language Interpreter
Elisabeth Carr Special Education Assistant
Stephanie Carr Claims Indexer
Anthony Cashin
Mary Lynn Cassels
Mary Ann Castle Home Coordinator
September Chabai
Leo Chalifour Retired
Wendy Chalmers
Jeannette Champagne Support worker
Colleen Charbonneau
Carole Charette Projet partage
Bev Chavers Community Participation Support Worker
Riya Cheema Recruitment Specialist
Alan Cheifetz Retired
André-Jocelyn Chérazard Personne Ressource
Marilyn Cherenko Retired
Alexandre Cherton
Roger Chin
Moira Chisholm Retired
Vernon Chisholm Retired
Melissa Chishom
Dan Christoff Manager of Property and Maintenance
Angel Cleary
Laura Clement Cookie Maker
Tracy Cliffe Disabled Artist
Faye Cobbe Parent
Heidi Cogan
Natalie Cogswell Dental Hygienist
Chad Cole
Diana Cole Author
Michael Connors
Sarah Conrod
Alan Conway Retired
Ernest Cook
Tyler Cooley
Michelle Cooper Unemployed
Jeanie Coppe
Vivian Corbiere
Shelley Cormier Human Services Counselor
Sean Cosgrave
Christine Cote HR Advisor
Cindy Coubrough Caregiver
Ravi Coughlan University of Victoria student / Looking for a job for a long long time.
Jennifer Coughlin
Guy Coulombe Information & Programs Services
Rebecca Courchene
Joanne Craig
Paul Craik
Phil & Rhea Crook Self Employed
Kimberley Crowder Family Caregiver
Selina Cumpstone
Nathaniel Cumpstone
Karen Curtis
Lisa D'Amico
Maxime D-Pomerleau
Brent Daborn
Krista Dalton Long term Care Worker
Sharon Dam Senior Support Worker
Edgar Daniell Retired
Ronald Dans ASL Professor
Madhu Dass Care Aide
Caroline Davidson
Rob Davidson Parent
Rhiannon Davies
Patrick Dcruz
April de Almeida
John Andrew Delaney
Rhea Delisle
Nicole Delorme Retired
Anne DesJardins
François Desmarais
Stefanie Deveaux
Carly Dewitt Member
Shelley DeWitt
Paul Dhillon On Disability
Randy Dickinson, C.M.,O.N.B. Disability Advocate
Charlotte Disalvo
Robin Dixon None
Jeffrey Dobbin Disabled
Jeffrey Dobbin
Norma Dodd
Thien-Tam Denis Dong Représentant du service à la clientèle
Katherine Dorie Parent of Adult Child with Disability
Lisa Dorton
Lisa Dorton Disabled
Nicole Doucet
Lorraine Doucet Chargée de cours
Tracy Douris
Marilyn Dow
Kimberley Dowson Artist
Monique Dozois
Christina Drake
Sabine Dreher Contract Faculty
Diane Driedger Assistant Professor, Disability Studies
Ryan Duchoeny Deaf Actor
Catherine Dudas
Dharmeendra Dudhnath Delivery
Michael Duhaime
Jason Dunkerley Multiple Paralympian, Accessibility Advocate
Lynn Dunkley
Minh Kim Thuy Duong Emballage alimentaire
Sean Dusko
Zsolt Ebergenyi NA
Laurie Edberg
Lisa Edelsward Researcher (Retired/Disabled)
Sarah Edmundson
Robin Edwards Banking specialist
Katherine Elliot Caregiver
Ian Elliot Diahwasher
Britta Emes
Jean-Denis Emond Informatique
Sonya Ephrom-Dupuis Educational Assistant
Meaghan Ernst Peer Support Coordinator
Karen Escourse
Elaine Etmanski Retired Teacher
Kevin Ettinger Instructional Assistant
Alison Evans Municipal Employee
Heather Fairbairn
Franco Falletta Welder
Larissa Fan
Terry Fan Artist
Eric Fan Artist/Author
Devin Fan Youth Worker
Rose Farley
Margaret Fee Retiree
Audrey Fehr
Kathy Felkai
Leanne Fenez
Merrin Fennell
Amy Ferguson
Susan Ferguson
Thomas Ferry
Debbie Field Occupational Therapist
Lisa Finch Writer
Christopher Finch
Angela Firestone
David Fisher
Wayne Fisher
Eryn Fitzgerald
Keith Fitzpatrick
Natasha Flannigan
Karen Fleming Housewife
Darryl Matthew Flowers Unemployment
David Foltz
Shawna Ford
Marilyn Forster - Lo Turco Parent of Adult with a Disability.
Kathleen Fortin Homemaker
Dave Foster
joe Foster Advocate, Ottawa Basic income Ottawa
Fabienne Francisque
Laurie Frandsen
Kirk Franske Retired
Barry Freeze
Shannon Freng Retired
J Frizzley
Presley Fuller
Jacinta Galway Retired
Jiwan Garcha
Cece Gardiner Person with a Profound Disability
Kelly Gardiner Real Estate Salesman
Patti Gardner
Melanie Gaunt LTC resident
Michael Geilen
Bruce Gennings
Tanis Gentle
Cyndi Gerlach Parent / Case Manager / Representative
Marilyn Gerriets
Judith Gibbard
Tracy Gibbons
Linda Gilmour Parent Advocate
Caleb Gimson
Marcelle Girouard
Gary Gladstone
Caroline Godin Etudiante
Lyn Golbeck
Bradley Goodyear
Charlene Gordon Retired
Peggy Anne Gordon Retired
Karen Gordon Physiotherapist
Miranda Graham
Jean-Paul Gravel Retraite
Claudine Guerlin
Arthur Gunter
Grant Gustafson
Mihaly Gyurics
James Haine Disabled, ODSP Recipient, struggling financially
Twyla Haines Unemployed
Michael Halas Patient Partner
Leslie Hall Member
Nouma Hammash Regional Services Coordinator
John Hanti
Bruce Harber Retired
Sheri Hardcastle
Elisabeth Harrison Research Associate, ReVision Centre, University of Guelph
Debra Hart Blind Person
Steven Hartlen Disabled
Curtis Hartlin Disabled ODSP Pensioner
Gwendolyn Alice Hayward Retired and Disability OAS age 67
Karen Heaney Disabled Retired
Randy Hebert
Laura Heijdens
Shannon Heil Disabled
Erin Henderson Social Worker
Margaret Henderson Teacher
Paula Henderson
Danica Hendry
Susan Henry
Corili Hepner
Carolyn Herbert member
Phyllis Hergott
Tracy Hetman American Sign Language - English Interpreter
Keon Hewlin
Charlotte Hewson Kitchen Program Coordinator at Providence Farm
Marsha Hill Manager
Kassandra Hillyer Child and Youth Worker
Rosalind Ho
Glen Hogard
Cindy Holoboff
Bobbi Holte
Peter Homulos
Andrew Hopkins
Darlene Horne Disability
Crystal Horner
Susan Horner CVRP
DB Horner
Debra Horth Mother
Marie Claire Houde retraite
Susanne Howard
Jennifer Howard Teacher
Nancy Hoyano Former Board member, Family Support Institute
Joseph Huang Retired
Julian Hunt
Janet Hunt
Marilyn Hunter Retired
Shahriyar Hussain
Kathleen Hutchinson
Alan Hutchinson Carer
Janet Hyatt Disabled
Claire Inkster
Elizabeth Ionson Retired
Urmi Islam
Tracy Jackson
Mary Anne Jackson Retired
Valerie Jacob PWD, Canadian Citizen Being Denied Human Rights
Ashley Jacobson Breathwork Facilitator
Mika Jacques
Eman Jadallah House Wife
Jaswattie Jadubir Educational Assistant
Anne Jamieson Nurse
Tina Jarvis Disabled Albertan
Lisa Jefferson Disabled
Robert Jemmett ODSP
Kevin Jepson
Brenda Jewitt
Mélanie Joannette
Kelly Ann Jobson
Christina Johnson
Roberta Johnson
Sheila Jones
Maiya Jordan
Anita Kaiser 4th Year Doctoral Student at University of Toronto
Grant Kang
Joan Karout Volunteer
Chetan Kashyap Parent
Cecil Kassee Retired, Parent of Person with Disabilities
Cynthia Kassee Caregiver/Mother
Janet Kauppinen
Genevieve Kavanagh
Lisz Keallen ASL-English Interpreter
Nathalie Kearney Coordination
David Keay Retired Parent of Disabled Adult Child
Karyn Keith Disabled Canadian Struggling to Survive
Ledell Kendall
Robert Kennedy
Jessica Kenney Disabled Freelance Artist
LéAmber Kensley Rehabilitation Counsellor
Marianne Kerkhoven
D'Arcy Kewley
Lanadale Kewley
Rim Kharrat Representante au service à la clientèle
Amel Kharroubi Disability Management Advisor
Susan Kiddie
David Kidston
Nancy Kilbrei
Jeonghwa Kim
Angela Kimball
Karen Lee Kincade
Gretchen King
Gretchen King
Adam King-Duke
Attila Kiss On CPP Disability Pension
Beverley Kissinger Retired
John Klaver IT
Barbora Klima Bratova
Deborah Knuff
Melanie Koenig
Simon Kowalchuk
Jerry Krepakevich
Alanna-Jane Krepakevich Disabled Person
Frederick Krist Retired due to AML
Beverley Kula
Janet Kuntz
Susan Kwan
Sherwin Kwan
Jacques et Lorraine Laframboise Famille d'accueil - Association pour l'intégration sociale d'Ottawa
Karen Lai Accessibility & Inclusion Consultant
Mezaun Lakha-Evin
Stacy Lambert Care Provider
Annette Lampson Caregiver
Tina Landry DSW
Mary Kay Lang Lee
Lori Anne Lanigan
Steve Lanys-Morris Producer
Jeri Laraway Pharmacist
Erika Larking Disabled
Gail Lastiwka Retired
Charles Laszlo Retired
Praveen Lat Unemployed
Kelly Lautt Management Consultant
Isaac Leal Photographe
Barb LeBlanc Disabled Concerned Citizen
Lisa LeBlanc
jasmine lebreux Coordonnatrice
Francine Leduc
Alison Lee Teacher, Retired
Eunjin Lee
Hyun Lee Self-Employed
Peggy Lee Retired
Frank Lee
Pam Lefebvre Retired
Bri LeFever
Melissa Legaspi
Kathleen Leger
Marlene Lepper
Victoria Levack
Nancy Lévesque
John Liebeck
Lance Lim
Chantelle Lindo RN
Shanna Lino VOICE Representative on the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) of the Toronto Disctrict School Board (TDSB)
Lelainia Lloyd Patient Advocate
Erin Lockhart
Brian Lopes Home Manager
Maggie Lord
Laura Luyt Disabled Caregiver to my Children with Disabilities
Lynda Lyons
Barbara Lyons Volunteer Receptionist - Action Committee for People.with Disabilities
Anthony Ma
Chris MacDonald Automotive Service Technician
Reginald MacDonald
Gwelda MacDonald
Linda MacKay
Cynthia Mackay
Karen MacLennan
Carol MacNeil On Disability
Basia Mair Parent
Kate Makuch Parent of Adult with Disabilities
Vickie Mancini Retired Community Rehab manager
June Mangaard Disabled
Colette Mann Parent
Bonnie S. Manning-Jones Former Co- Chair Victoria Disability Resource Centre
Jo-Ann Marion Registered Nurse
Robert Marryatt Disability
Drew Marshall
Wilhelmina Martin
Byron Martin
Nancy Martin
Sacha Martin Entrepreneur
Ruben Marulanda retired
Tracey Maryin Social Worker
Nik Mason Self Employed
Jaye Mathieu
Janice Lee Maxwell Parent of Person with Disability
Elizabeth Mayer Disability Retirement
joyce Maykut
Linda McAllister Administrative Officer
Edward McAllister
Melanie McAulay ODSP Recipient
Susan McCabe
David McCallum
Naomi McCann
Cheryl McCaw
Kristy McFee
Shirley Mcfeters Homecare
Nancy Mcginnis Executive Assistant
L McGrath PWD
Serena, Tristan and Jon McIllwraith Disabled 2 of the 3 plus a Caregiver Stressed Beyond Normal Limits
Shelley Lynn McKay-Riley Long Term Disability
Matthew McKinley
Kathy McKInley Educational Assistant and Parent
Annette McKinnon
Larry McKone Retired
Lisa McLean Educational Assistant
Norman McLeod
Cheryl McMillan
Karen McNabb
Dorothy McNaughton
Cindy McPhedran
Marcie Mcpherson Parent
Teresa McQuillin RN
Amy McRae
Tanya Meadus
Robert Melanson
Dora Melanson
Michael Menzies Post Polio 1957 Orthotics, Prosthetics Teshnician
Allison Meserve
Astrid-Janneke Metheral Parent
Zabrina Metheral Student
David Metheral Parent
Annik Méthot Sociale Worker
Christina Miles Pwd Disability
Sandy Milford Disabled
Janet Miller
Debby Miller ASL/English Interpreter
Héronne Milord
Margaret Milroy
Robert Mitchell Consultant
Azhar Mohammad
Mike Mon Disablity Retirement
Jennifer Mont
Angela Morais Team Lead Retail
Larry Morehouse
Martin Morency
Shawna-Leigh Morgan Disabled
Patricia Mossa Not Working Due to Disability
Judith Mostardi Retired
Sonya Moyer Retired
Michelle Nardangeli Consumer Support Admin
Jordan Nelson
Christine Nelson Retired
Leica Nelson Disabled Canadian
Randy Nelson
Peggy Nesbitt
Wendy Newbery Independent Facilitator
David Newman
Joanne Nicholson Special Needs Education Assistant
Jonathan Nicholson UE Auto Rental Manager
Yvonne Nielsen Advocate for Brain Injury Survivors
Ron Nielson
Judy Norbury
Vicki Nosella Caregiver
Leah Novakowski Domestic Abuse Advocate
Leacy O'Brien
Leila Oboril
Lori Obrien
Carissa Oddy BCBA
Patricia ODonnell Disabled
Eunji Oh
Dr. Margaret Oldfield Disability Scholar
Shane Marina Omar Student
Sarah Orr
Debra Orr
Cynthia Osborne
Emily Ouimet
Joanna Ouimet N/A
Wendy Page
Jeff Papineau Disability
Claire Parker Office Administration
Karen Parsons Retired
Darrell Patan Unemployed Due to Injury
Sarah Patrick
Daniel Patt Policy Analyst
Raymond Patterson Retired
Carmen Patterson Cleaner
JA Patterson
Eileen Paul
Laurie Paynter
David Paynter
Scott Peasley Retired
Neil Penner Deaf Living Endless
Paule Pépin
Cyril Peplinskie
Barb Perozak AISH Living Below Poverty
Colleen Peters Artist
Donna Peters Caregiver for Disabled/Deaf Patient
Karen Petti
Kenneth Phillip
Sandra Phillips Family member
Daniela Piano Teacher
Jennifer Pierce
Quinn Pierce HCA
Marg Pike
Kristie Pilon Supervisor
Gilles Pilon
Andrew Pinch Disability Advocate
June Plante Retired
June Plante Retired
Nadine Plante
Anneliese Poetz
Gino Porco
Karen Powell
Irene Power Disabled
Jane Power Retired Healthcare Worker
Dee Prior
Jacqueline Pritchard POOR Disabled Person
Allison Profili
Laurie Proulx
Garry Pruden
Clarissa Puddicombe
Rosaleen Quinn Member at Large
Gitan Rakhra
Sue Rapattoni Graphic Designer
Geoffrey Reaume Associate Professor, Critical Disability Studies, York University, Toronto, Ontario
John Redins
Heather Reed Former Species at Risk Conservation Scientist
Lee Reed Concerned Citizen
Chris Rego Disabled
Laura Reid
Tanya Reid
Antonino Renda
Lisa Rezansoff Parent
Maria Rideout
Mitchell Rienguette
Charlotte Rioux Coordonnatrice
Tatheer Rizvi Unemployed
Karen Robertson
Daniel Robichaud
Susan Robins
Christopher Robinson Aide-plieur
Emma Robitaille
Anie Robitaille
Pascale Rochefort
Alyson Rodger Rehabilitation practitioner
Stephane Rodier
Nancy Rodrigues
Daria Roffel
Tracie Rondeau
E Ross
Marilena Rotondo Attendant for Handicap Students
Roger Rousseau Retired
Dean Rousseau A Deaf Canadian (yes, that’s my job)
Verlyn Rowett
Linda L Roy Member at Large
Leanne Rumley Walmart Fashion Associate
Vivien Runnels Researcher
Valerie Russell
Michelle Rutsch A.I.S.H.
Michael Ryan
Wesley Ryan Artist / Performer Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury
Sylvie S. Sauve Personne Ressource
Cinthia Sabetti
Mary Salvani Caregiver
Beverley Sanderson
Julie Sanfaçon
Alison Sardo Mom
Lisa Sarver
Darren Saunders
Jérôme Saunier
Loraine Savard Travailleuse autonome et mère d'une enfant handicapée
Rodney Sawa Disabled
Leslie Sawyer
Shaina Schafers
Mia Schartau
Angela Schlichter Disabled
Sandra Schmidt Grandmother Raising Disabled Grandson
Jean Scholefield Caregiver
Marianne Schulz
Clair Schuman
Cathy Scofield-Singh
Joan Scott
Rebecca Scott
Deni Shaw
Tara Shearer
Helen Shearer Retired
Donna Sheehan
Kavin Sheikheldin
Michael Sheppard Aish Client
Robert Sherwood
Siddharth Siddharth
Jasmin Simpson Counsellor
Lesley Singer Physiotherapist
Jenna Sittler
Phyllis Siu
Don Slater Retired
Bert Slater
Carol Smaridge
Leslie Smart
Yvette Smart Retired Teacher- Permanently Disabled/CPP Disability recipient
Jocelyn Smart-Abbey
Karen Smith Retired
Allan Smith
Sheri Smith Activation/Recreation
Bob Smith Parent of Severely Disabled Adult Living at Home
Lorissa Smith Team Lead
Trisha Smith-Evans Caregiver
Marney Smithies Volunteer
Shannon Soroka Volunteer
Marilyn Stafford
Sage Staples
Samantha Staresincic
Tiffany Stead Senior Support Worker (SIL)
Collette Steeghs Disabled Person
Amanda Steeves
Peter Stein
Tina Stepan Caregiver
Joslynn Stevenson Registered Nurse
Fran Stewart
Darlene Stimson
Toby Stock
Tammy Stoller
Kelly Strange Person with Disability
Denise Swyers Instructor
Sara Symington
Judi Szabo
Stephanie Szebenyi Business Analyst
Linda Tabet Parent and Caregiver
Serge Talbot
Laurier Talbot
Bowen Tang Engagement Manager
Cynthia Tansley
Alison Taplay Retired
Lisa Tate
Kelly Tate Direct Support Professional
Larissa Taurins
Theresa Terreberry Manager of Administration
Karen Thimot
Kerry Thomas
Dawn Thompson Retired
Jannett Thompson
Hamish Thoms President
Pamela Thomson Retired Judge
Donna Thomson Caregiver, Author, Educator
LeAnn Thomson senior support worker
Lynne Thomson-Haven Senior Parent - still actively parenting in my 70s
Brian Thorkelson
Jennifer Travers
Candace Trithart
Genevieve Trudel
Lucie Trudel
Elise Trudel
Timothy Tsang
Jules Tupker
Krystyna Tupker
Chantal Turcotte Orthopédagogue-enseignante
Florance Turgeon Occasional Driver
Majid Turmusani Volunteer
Francesco Turriziani CPP Disability
Ashley Ully Receptionist
Kim Underhay Advocate/Member of Empower the Disability Resource Centre/Board of Directors for Coalition of Persons with Disabilities
Arlene Ursel Retired
Mary Van Eerd-Cook Volunteer
Roderick Van Rhyn
Lorraine Vandersteen
Scott Vassell-Pittman Retired
Miranda Vert
Anika Vervecken Access Activator
Nancy Viel
Anthony Vipond Guardian
Darrell Volden Labourer
Gabriella Volpe
Barbara Wagner
Winnie Wakaluk
Loretta Wall
Angela Wallenius Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Virginia Walsh Student
Rhonda Walsh Car Collision Victim
Jennifer Watson
Duncan Watts Marine Mechanic
Joanne Wells
Lindsay Welter
Marvy Wheale
Dave White Retired
Jim White
Susan Wieczorek parent
Thomas Wiegand Retired
Rebecca Wilcox
Elaine Willis
Grace Wismer Disabled Person with Spinal Cord Injury - Can No Longer Work
Alwxander Wolfe-Murray
Kimberly Wood Canada Deaf Grassroots Movement founder/ chair
Zachary Wood
Cher Wood Retired
Terry Wood Unemployed Disabled Advocate
Henry Xavier
Cinderella Yap Unemployment
Shiyu Ye
Douglas Yee Presently Retired. Formerly, Civil Engineer.
Ryan Yellowlees Therapeutic Counsellor
André Yoko Technologue Électricien
Iris Yong Manager DEIR
Charlene Young
Bridget Young
Daryl Yuen Entrepreneur
Youngro Yun
Aghani Zaazaa Representant au service à la clientèle
Georgia Zadow Parent of 2 Autistic Adults
Kimberly Zbebel
Taylor Zerkee
Judy Ziefflie