Ever wonder how COVID-19 really is affecting people with disabilities? We know individually how each of us is doing, but how about all of us? Are we ok?
The Abilities Centre COVID-19 Disability Survey is designed to measure the needs, well-being and health behaviours of Canadians with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery periods. The results will provide information to assist government agencies and community organizations to develop and implement COVID-19 response strategies that meet the needs of people of all abilities.
This report summarizes responses from 713 people who completed the survey between June 18th 2020 and December 18th 2020. The survey was open to Canadian adults who identify as a person with a disability and adults who have a child or family member living with a disability. The survey was available in English, French, Plain Language, and American Sign Language (ASL). The sample includes persons with physical, sensory, learning, psychological, intellectual, and other disabilities.
The survey report is worth the read because of the staggering key findings.