The following resources are provided in the language of origin. If you know of resources that should be included in this list, please contact us.
Basic Income Resources
BC Basic Income Panel Report
Canadian Disability Benefit Resources
Project PROTECH: Canadians with Disabilities Fell Through the Cracks in the Pandemic Response
As the COVID-19 case count in Canada surges due to the Omicron variant, the number of people dealing with long-term symptoms — an expansive list that can include brain fog, fatigue, muscle aches — will grow. Read more to learn about the gaps in how the government has served their communities during the pandemic and the importance of pushing for a national disability benefit, which has been slowly moving through Parliament and would provide support besides existing provincial programs.
NOW with Dave Brown Podcast: Disability Benefit
In this podcast episode, Krista Carr from Inclusion Canada reflects on the federal election results and considers how it will affect the implementation of the proposed disability benefit, Accessible Canada Act, as well as affordable housing.
The Monitor: Charting a Way Forward in Budget 2022
The Canada Disability Benefit was initially proposed in the 2020 Speech from the Throne. Substantial empirical work has been done since that point and into how this could be implemented, at the levels that would be needed. And these are mocked up in our Alternative Federal Budget. Read how the various criteria of benefits, whether they be federal, provincial or private insurance, for definitions for disability can be unified in a common $11,000-a-year benefit, improving the lives of Canadians with disabilities while saving the provinces substantial money.
Canada Disability Benefit Petition Details
Read the petition details that call upon the Government of Canada to place the implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit at the forefront of the political agenda by fast-tracking the design and implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit, as well as actively and genuinely involving disabled people every step of the way to work alongside the government to make it happen.
The Hill Times: Canadians with Disabilities ‘Left Behind’ Say Advocates After Ottawa Spends $797-million in Targeted COVID Support
In this article, advocates and experts across Canada communicate how they want more from the new proposed Canada Disability Benefit after how COVID-19 has exposed weaknesses in the existing array of federal programs for people with disabilities.
Government of Canada: January 2022 Update - Disability Insurance Plan Benefits and New Collective Agreements
The purpose of this notice is to provide an update regarding disability benefit adjustments for wave two of collective agreements negotiated to date under the 2018 round of collective bargaining, for eligible plan members who are, or were, in receipt of disability benefits from Sun Life Financial (Sun Life) under the Disability Insurance (DI) Plan. This update expresses that if all collective agreements from the 2018 round have been signed prior, wave two is expected to be completed by spring 2023.
Disability Without Poverty: Statement on Open letter from Senators to Fast Track a Canada Disability Benefit
43 members of the Senate of Canada voiced their support for a Canada Disability Benefit through an open letter on January 17, 2022. This is on the heels of an e-petition promoted by Disability Without Poverty that received 17,874 signatures from across the country. Read more to understand the significance behind the benefit and how it will help many individuals across Canada.
The Globe and Mail: Disability Advocate Al Etmanski Wants Canada to Make History With a New Guaranteed-Income Policy
Al Etmanski, who has spent decades advocating for disabled people's rights to housing, livelihoods and autonomy, now has a major part to play in crafting the Canadian Disability Benefit. This article conveys how the implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit would make Canada the first country to guarantee an annual income above the poverty line for individuals with disabilities.
Canadian Labour Congress: Federal Government Should Fast-Track Canada Disability Benefit Implementation
Canada’s unions are marking December 3 – the International Day of Persons with Disabilities – by joining workers and advocates across the county in calling on the federal government to fast-track the design and implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit. Read more to learn about the urgent need for improvements and reforms to Canada’s patchwork system of disability benefits.
Updated Open Letter From Senators to Canadian Government Regarding Canada Disability Benefit
This open letter outlines the request of including the Canada Disability Benefit and PEI’s proposal of working together to launch a demonstration project that will allow Canadians to assess the benefits of investing in a guaranteed livable basic income for all below the poverty line in the 2022 Budget. It communicates the importance of taking bold policy steps in order to realize the Canadian government’s laudable goal of leaving no one behind.
BC Disability: Increase BC Disability Assistance Rates (PWD) 2022
BC disability assistance rates (PWD) are still thousands of dollars below the poverty line. A year’s income at 2021 BC PWD rates for single persons is roughly $16,300. The poverty rate for Canada is approximately $26,000 for a single person. This article reviews how increasing BC PWD monthly payments to $1800 would bring BC PWD rates to finally be brought up to Canada's poverty line, so that persons on BC disability assistance would better be able to meet basic needs instead of choosing between essentials like food, medication, rent, and utilities.
Calls for Proposals Launched to Create Lasting Impact and Greater Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Building accessible and inclusive communities, where persons with disabilities have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed, will be an essential part of Canada's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why the Government of Canada is supporting community projects to provide greater access and opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Toronto Star: Children and Adults with Disabilities Are Feeling Abandoned
The backlash against recent comments by the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, seen as being insensitive to those living with disabilities, has been swift and demonstrates just how abandoned some are feeling, including here in Canada. People living with disabilities in Canada have felt the sting of the director’s comments as they struggle to get through their own day-to-day challenges, made all the more difficult with the latest lockdowns.
The Pulse on AMI-audio Podcast: Canada Disability Benefit
In this podcast, Rabia Khedr, national director for Disability Without Poverty, discusses a proposed monthly Canada Disability Benefit. This episode highlights the Disability Without Poverty movement as well as the significance of ensuring that the government of Canada brings forward a benefit that truly lifts people out of poverty and gives people with disabilities a livable income.
The Decibel Podcast: A New Way to Eliminate 40% of Poverty
Al Etmanski has spent his life working to help improve life for Canadians with disabilities. Now, the federal government is considering establishing a fund to help top-up disability benefits that are offered by the provinces and territories. If established, around one million people could be lifted out of poverty. Globe and Mail feature writer Ian Brown speaks with Al about the proposed fund, why poverty among disabled people has been ignored for so long, and Al’s long career as a parent activist for people with disabilities.
Abilities at Work Podcast: What is the Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM)?
This podcast showcases the Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM), which is celebrated in September in British Columbia, and in October across the rest of Canada and in the United States of America. We talk about what it is, why it’s important, and how employers and supported employment service providers can get involved.
March of Dimes: Party Positions on the Canada Disability Benefit
March of Dimes Canada issued an open letter to each of the federal party leaders, asking them to commit to making the Canada Disability Benefit and Disability Inclusion Action Plan a reality. Read Len Baker’s letter as President and CEO of March of Dimes Canada to the party leaders on this page as well as the responses they’ve received.
Disability Without Poverty: Canada Disability Benefit
The Canada Disability Benefit is a once in a lifetime opportunity to significantly reduce the poverty experienced by 1.4 million Canadians with disabilities. 89% of Canadians are in favour of a Canada Disability Benefit. In a recent poll, they said it is “the right thing to do” and “It’s time for the country to come together to end disability poverty.” Read more to view a brief snapshot of poverty and disability statistics, as well as the importance of political parties committing to lifting people with disabilities out of poverty.
London Live with Mike Stubbs Podcast: Joint Letter Calls on Federal Government to Fast Track the Canada Disability Benefit
A group of high-profile Canadians have written a joint letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calling on the federal government to fast-track the Canadian disability benefit. In this podcast episode, Rabia Khedr, National Director of Disability Without Poverty, joins Mike Stubbs to discuss the details behind the grand movement.
Disability Without Poverty: What Does a Canadian Disability Benefit Look Like to You?
Do you have a disability? Do you have a friend or family member with a disability? Are you an ally to the Disability Community? Do you want Canada to be a place where people with Disabilities can live without poverty? Click the links provided on this webpage to take a short survey and share your own stories and perspectives.
The Pulse on AMI-audio Podcast: Explaining Bill C-35
In this podcast, Carla Qualtrough, Minister for Employment, Workforce Development, and Disability Inclusion and Jewelles Smith, Communications & Government Relations Officer for the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, joins to discuss Bill C-35. If enacted, the Bill would create a federal disability support benefit for working-age adults with disabilities.
Angus Reid Institute: Survey of Canadians Living with Disability Underlines Relative Poverty
Recognizing the challenges faced by Canadians with disabilities — problems that have only been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic — the federal Liberal government laid out plans to help in its September 2020 Speech from the Throne. This article reviews the government’s promise for a new Canadian Disability Benefit, modelled after the seniors’ guaranteed income supplement.
A New Canadian Disability Benefit Modelled After the GIS - What Does That Mean
Disability without Poverty Resources
Basic Income Canada Youth Network: What is Basic Income?
This article communicates basic income as an unconditional cash transfer from government to individuals to enable everyone to meet their basic needs, participate in society, and live with dignity - regardless of work status. It is a simple, common-sense alternative to a social welfare system that is full of gaps and problems. Read more to learn about its significance, effectiveness, costs, and the programs a national basic income program could replace.
The Basics of Basic Income – Dr. Evelyn Forget
In this webinar video, Dr. Evelyn Forget describes basic income as a regular, predictable and unconditional payment that everyone would receive. All adults, whether they’re working or not working, whether their income is low or high. And that’s a very expensive proposition. But the idea is that the government would receive back some of the costs of delivering that basic income through the tax system, it would be a taxable benefit. That’s never gained a lot of traction – that is the version of basic income in Canada.
BC Disability: Canada Disability Benefit
Canadians with disabilities are twice as likely to live in poverty than those without disabilities, a situation that has been made even worse by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This post includes a press release revealing the Government of Canada’s plan to ensure an inclusive recovery that “leaves no one behind” through a new Canada Disability Benefit.
The Power of Disability Podcast: A Below the Radar Series
This podcast highlights what history has overlooked: the incredible contributions of people with disabilities. Join host Al Etmanski who brings us enlightening conversations featuring guests with disabilities who have been influential in arts, activism, science, and more.
Statement on the Introduction of Bill C-35, The Canada Disability Benefit Act
In this statement, Minister Qualtrough’s commitment to following through on the government’s promise to create the Canada Disability Benefit is recognized. Bill C-35 establishes the legislative framework for a new federal income support benefit to support working age adults with disabilities and will supplement – not replace – existing federal and provincial/territorial income supports people with disabilities receive.
Poverty - Just the Facts
Nearly five million people in Canada – that’s one out of every seven individuals – currently live in poverty. Poverty is a widespread issue across the country and the world, but vulnerable groups such as people living with disabilities, single parents, elderly individuals, youth, and racialized communities are more susceptible. This article conveys the effects of poverty and how it is expressed in different aspects of a person’s life, including food security, health, and housing.
Disability Democracy Podcast: How our Healthcare System Turns Disabled People into Paupers
“There are supports in our healthcare system for people with disabilities, but these programs are also traps that drive our disabled towards poverty. It is August 2020 and I, Steven Davis, must re-certify again that my 6-year old son, Geoffrey, is destitute and that our family doesn’t make too much money. I have to prove this each year to keep his medical program active.” Listen to the full podcast to hear more of Davis’ story and his family’s experiences with the current healthcare system and supports implemented.
Breezy Breakfast Radio Hour Podcast: For Disability Justice
This podcast episode features a panel of local disability activists: Erin Caton, Mike Greer, and Christina Faith Cameletti. They talk about the systemic barriers people with disabilities face, including poverty wages through Ontario Works and ODSP; a narrowed housing market due to inaccessible units; and overall anti-disability stigmatization. A better, more just, accessible world is possible. To make it happen would require a significant re-thinking of city planning, health care, governance, and community.
The Pulse Interview: Fighting Disability Assistance Cuts, with Kier Gray (300ToLive)
BC has partly reversed cuts to its Covid disability top up, lifting rates $175/mo. But in this interview, @300T0Live organizer Kier Gray explains how BC still keeps people with disabilities far below the poverty line.
Disability Action Hall: Will the Canada Disability Benefit Act Benefit You?
The Canada Disability Benefit Act’s main objective is to reduce poverty and to support the financial security of persons with disabilities. Will the benefit help you? Learn more about the Act to find out. Now is the time for you to let people know what it could look like.
Inclusion Canada: Krista Carr discusses the Canada Disability Benefit (Bill C-35) Discussion
In this video, Inclusion Canada EVP Krista Carr discusses the Canada Disability Benefit (Bill C-35) and its potential to significantly address poverty and inequality experienced by people with disabilities.
Campaign 2000 - End Child & Family Poverty: Poverty Quiz
Test your knowledge about child and family poverty in Canada by completing this quiz. Learn more about what needs to happen to ensure the well-being of children and families.
Poverty Hub: Persons with Disabilities
According to Statistics Canada, persons with disabilities make up over 40% of the low-income population” (Wall, 2017). Employment and income for persons with disabilities is dependent upon the type of disability. Read this webpage to view further research on the connections between disability, income, and poverty.
BC Disability Benefits Help Sheets
The BC Disability Benefits Help Sheets are highly popular downloads. These self-help guides will explain various benefits and programs, and how to apply for them.
The Disability Benefit We Want and Need – Dr. Michael Prince
In this webinar video, Dr. Michael Prince reviews the government’s response to the long-standing changes for persons with disabilities to access adequate programs and benefits. He voices how people need to get educated to be able to tell the federal government what the disability community wants, how the Canadian Disability Benefit should be shaped and how it can best serve the interests of people who live the reality every day.
Finandicap: The First Handicap is Poverty
Faced with the challenges experienced by people with disabilities in Canada and Quebec, the federal Liberal government presented measures to support them. The government has since embarked on a new allowance modelled on the Guaranteed Income Supplement for Seniors program. This article goes over a survey that was conducted to find out the support and need for the benefit by the disability community. “We must act: remember that more than 40% of poor people in Canada are disabled,” contextualizes Guillaume Parent, national director of the movement Le Handicap sans Poverty.