How Important is Access to the Internet to You?

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The objective of this survey is to measure the impact of digital technologies on the lives of Canadians with disabilities. Information gathered will help to better understand how individuals with disabilities use or do not use the Internet and related computer technology. The questionnaire will take about 5 minutes to complete. The results from the survey will be used as a catalyst to further the economic and social inclusion for all people with disabilities in Canada. The survey results will also help improve the Neil Squire Society programs.


The first questions are about the nature and extent of your disability.
The next few questions ask about your access to the Internet.
Now, a few questions about you.
Finally, the Neil Squire Society may wish to contact you at a later date to follow up on some of your answers. If you are willing to possibly receive a follow-up, please provide your first name and either an email address or a telephone number.

Given that you do not have a disability, the remaining questions on the survey would not be applicable to you. Please share the link with others so that we can get information from as many Canadians with disabilities as possible.

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.