Include-Me.CA is a digital platform created for the Federal Accessibility Legislation Alliance (FALA). FALA was a federal Government-funded project that lasted from 2018-2019. FALA consisted of a group of over 50 organizations led by Spinal Cord Injury Canada. This group worked together to get Bill C-81 passed - The Accessible Canada Act.
At the time, we all knew passing the legislation was just the first hurdle. Once we had the Act, the disability community - which represents over 22% of the Canadian population - needed to unite to ensure the Act was strong and effective as it was implemented. Include-Me.CA provided an effective way to bring people together around issues of interest.
Spinal Cord Injury Canada offers the use of the Include-Me.CA platform to any disability organization that wants to engage people in strengthening the Accessible Canada Act. The platform provides the option to conduct surveys, enact letter-writing campaigns, blog, share stories, and share engagement opportunities. Include-Me.CA is a legacy gift from the FALA project. It is a communications vehicle for the disability community.
We have grown since the start of FALA in 2018, into a social movement powered by people with disabilities. Over 170 Canadian disability organizations, representing thousands of people with disabilities, are joined to improve access and inclusion. Our database houses over 5,700 people with disabilities, allies, and organization representatives - and we continue to grow.
Our goal is to create an accessible Canada so that everyone can say My Canada Includes Me!
If you would like to join us, sign up today. There's lots of work to do.