People with disabilities and Deaf people are at special risk – some are vulnerable to COVID-19, and all are vulnerable to discriminatory triaging. 63 Organizations representing and supporting people with disabilities, Deaf people, and their families, know that disability itself is already being used as an indicator in deciding who will gain access to needed health care, and who will not.
Many people with disabilities and Deaf people fear for their lives. These practices must be stopped immediately.
This Open Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister Patti Hajdu, and Minister Carla Qualtrough, along with all Provincial and Territorial Premiers, and all Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Health calls for rights-based, non-discriminatory guidelines for provision of health care in this pandemic.
Please read through the letter. If you agree with it, let the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion know at: Carla.Qualtrough@parl.gc.ca